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Journal of Hazardous Materials:钙镁磷肥抑制水稻镉吸收的微生物学机制






农业农村部环境保护科研监测所刘仲齐研究员团队发现,钙镁磷肥对水稻根际土壤微生物群落结构有显著影响,通过调控菌群驱动的铁氮耦合循环,显著抑制水稻对镉的吸收。相关成果发表于Journal of Hazardous MaterialsIF=9.038)。






•CMP fertilizer application reduces Cd and Fe availabilities in paddy soils.


•CMP reduces the NO3-/NH4+ ratio by regulating the soil Fe-N cycle.


•CMP affects soil Fe oxidation-reduction driven by Thiobacillus and Anaeromyxobacter.


•CMP promotes nitrate reduction to ammonium driven by Thiobacillus and Ignavibacteriae.



Cadmium (Cd) pollution in paddy soil seriously endangers food safety production. To investigate the effects and microbiological mechanisms of calcium-magnesium-phosphate (CMP) fertilizer application on Cd reduction in rice, field experiments were conducted in Cd-contaminated paddy soil. Compared with conventional compound fertilizer, CMP fertilizer treatments inhibited Cd uptake through plant roots, significantly decreasing Cd content in rice grains from 0.340 to 0.062 mg/kg. Soil pH and total Ca, Mg and P contents increased after CMP fertilizer application, resulting in a further decrease in soil available Cd content from 0.246 to 0.181 mg/kg. Specific extraction analysis recorded a decrease in both available Fe content and the ratio of nitrate to ammonium nitrogen, indicating that the soil Fe-N cycle was affected by the addition of CMP fertilizer. This finding was also recorded using soil bacterial community sequencing, with CMP fertilizer promoting the progress of nitrate-dependent Fe-oxidation driven by Thiobacillus (1.60% to 2.83%) and subsequent dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium (DNRA) driven by Ignavibacteriae (1.01% to 1.92%); Fe-reduction driven by Anaeromyxobacter (3.09% to 2.23%) was also inhibited. Our results indicate that CMP fertilizer application regulates the Fe-N coupling cycle driven by the soil microbial community to benefit remediation of Cd contaminated paddy soil. 





进一步通过土壤微生物测序证明,施加钙镁磷肥能够改变水稻根际菌群结构及其驱动的铁-氮元素循环过程。其中,铁还原菌Anaeromyxobacter丰度的降低(3.09% ~ 2.23%),抑制了其驱动的铁还原过程;而硝酸盐依赖的铁氧化菌Thiobacillus丰度的提高(1.60% ~ 2.83%),促进了其驱动的铁氧化耦合硝酸盐还原反应,Thiobacillus以硝酸盐为电子受体,在将二价铁氧化为三价铁的同时能够将硝态氮还原成亚硝态氮;进一步,Ignavibacteriae丰度的提高(1.01% ~ 1.92%),也促进了其驱动的硝酸盐异化还原为铵(DNRA)过程的第二步反应,即亚硝酸盐异化还原为铵。也就是说,与传统的氮磷钾肥相比,施用钙镁磷肥能够通过提高水稻根际土壤中关键菌Thiobacillus和Ignavibacteriae的丰度,促进DNRA过程将硝态氮异化还原为铵态氮,而已有研究证明铵态氮能够抑制水稻根对镉的吸收;同时,与硝酸盐还原耦合的铁氧化过程也因铁氧化菌Thiobacillus和铁还原菌Anaeromyxobacter的丰度变化而得到促进,在铁氧化过程中,其矿化不但降低了有效态铁的含量,还能够通过吸附和共沉淀等作用影响镉的生物可利用性。

